
Rich Bitch Copy Club

I came to Florida, and all I got were these tiny handcuffs.




Tiny Florida Handcuffs

In this issue

What do you NEVER say?

Know where your time goes

Learn how to find SEO keywords


I'm in Florida this week visiting my grandma, who just got out of the hospital. Believe it or not, it's actually a break from the Texas heat because it's 3 degrees cooler (at the same humidity).

I'm staying with my friend, Kevin, and he made me a spare key that's about as Florida as it gets. (And yes, the handcuffs work. 😭)

I know my newsletters have been pretty few and far between over the last month, Reader, but I will get back into a weekly cadence when I get home from traveling.

Honestly, my newsletter is my favorite thing to write. If this were my only channel, I'd be SO happy. But I'm not sure if the new format is serving y'all. So here's your chance to tell me:

Today’s issue sponsored by

Start your newsletter with up to 10,000 subscribers for FREE.

What do you NEVER say?

One question I ask every client before we start our work together seems like the easiest question in the world, yet most of them can’t answer it.

What are some things you always say? And what are some things you never say?

Your mannerisms—the things you do and say consistently (and often, unconsciously)—are what make your content uniquely yours.

This can be as significant as a central belief that drives the way you think or act. For instance, I have a client who always says, “Facebook ads won’t fix a broken funnel.” And another who says, “When everything is important, nothing is important.”

It can also be as subtle as how you greet people (“hey y’all” or “hi friends”) and sign off your emails (“Cheers!” or “Best”).

And even the type of pop culture references you like to make are important. Are you a vanilla ‘Friends’ and Taylor Swift type? Or are you more into ‘House of Dragons’ and Megan Thee Stallion? (And yes, for those clutching their pearls, it can be both.)

When it comes to things you never say, these are often industry terms or phrases that don’t jive with how you think.

For instance, I have clients who hate the term “zone of genius” and others who use it often. One of my clients actually answered this question with “Anything Grant Cardone says.” (And I knew exactly what she meant.) 😆

I also have clients who don’t want to swear and others who don’t want to use phrases or make references that might be too feminine, like saying “besties” or referencing Ariana Grande lyrics.

If I want to write in a way that sounds like you, I’ve got to know these inside and out.

The problem is that, often, these are things you do and say unconsciously. So when I ask people this question, it’s like they completely forget who they are.

To be intentional about this, you need to go back and look at your content. Read old Instagram and LinkedIn posts. Watch old YouTube videos. Listen to podcast episodes you’ve been on.

Honestly, this is exactly what I do to learn my clients’ voices. The more content they’ve created in the past, the more I chat with them on calls, and the more voice notes they send, the easier it is for me to write like them with no edits.

How to apply this ASAP:

Write down a list of things you always say and never say. Keep this handy whenever you're working on messaging and give it to anyone you might hire to write stuff for you.

And if you want more support with documenting your brand voice, grab my brand voice workbook for $9!

Know where your time goes

Last year, I started tracking my time. And it's changed the way I prioritize things in my business.

If you work a 9-to-5 or have left behind a punch-in, punch-out type of work environment to run your business, time tracking may be the last thing you want to do.

But here's the thing—the only way to know for sure how you're spending your time in your business is to track your time.

That thing you think takes you 5 minutes? It might actually take you 45 minutes.

And that time you blocked off for writing? You might actually be spending 10% of that time checking emails and another 20% scrolling on social.

I use Toggl to track my time on tasks so that I actually know where my time goes. And the Google Chrome extension makes it SO easy to start and stop the clock while I'm in the thick of it.

So what do you do with this information once you have it?

At the beginning of each week, I look at the previous week's time entries. I look for patterns like things that take me longer than they "should" or things that take up a lot of my time but don't really bring any benefit to my business.

Another way I use this data is to see which services have been most profitable for my business. At the end of the quarter, I look back at the previous quarter's time.

For instance, let's say I see that a blog post takes me an average of 6 hours to write, and I charge $850 per blog post. But 4 emails might take me only 1.5 hours to write, and I charge $1,000. This tells me maybe I should focus on selling more email packages in the new quarter.

You can break down your tasks by client or project, which makes it really easy to go back and see how much time you've spent on different things at a glance.

While I do track time every day because I like having the data, you don't have to in order to reap the benefits of time tracking. Try doing it once a quarter for a week to recalibrate.

I am not an affiliate for this company; I just really love this tool. Also, though there is a paid version, I only use the free version and have more features than I need.


Learn how to find SEO keywords

One of the questions I get asked the most about SEO is—how do I find the right keywords?

While keywords are by no means the only or even most important part of SEO, they seem to captivate people. So I created a video that walks you through the basics of finding the right keywords.

And the best part? It doesn't required any paid tools. It. will take a little time, but you can do it entirely for free.

Watch it here:

video preview

Let me know what other questions you have about SEO. I'm getting back on the YouTube train, and I'd love to do another SEO series.

11402 Whitewing Ave, Unit B, Austin, TX 78753
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Rich Bitch Copy Club

Get tips on how to stand TF out in the Internet chaos by bringing your badass personality into your marketing content.

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