
Rich Bitch Copy Club

Just like your Tinder date, Donna needs a few touchpoints to get her to the finish line




Algorithm juice, swipe files, & content planners (Oh my!)

In this issue

Get the social algorithm juices flowing

Build a swipe file

Free Google Sheets Content Planner

I’ve been working in content marketing for 13 years, and here’s what I’ve learned about customer attribution, Reader...


It’s not easy to directly tie a sale to a specific channel or piece of content.

Most people are not reading one social media post or email and then buying from you.

Here’s what the typical customer journey actually looks like…

>> Donna has a problem that she researches on Google. She finds a blog post on your website that you wrote 2 years ago. She learns a lot from it and decides to follow you on social.

>> After following you for a month, Donna sees a post you make on Instagram about a freebie you have that dives deeper into her problem. She downloads the freebie and ends up on your email list.

>> Donna gets your monthly emails for a couple of months. She’s learning a lot and loves the way you just seem to “get” her.

>> Then you launch something that’s perfect for her that reaches her at the right moment. She’s finally ready to solve her problem, and she’s confident you’re the one to help her.

>> One of your launch emails, in particular, just really hits her like a gut punch. She buys.

You’ve tracked your clicks and see that Donna’s sale came from email #4 in your launch sequence.

A non-marketer would say, “Wow, I really got an ROI on launch email #4.”

But someone who understands that content marketing is not about creating one great piece of content but about creating an engine to build relationships and drive sales—they know that it wasn’t email #4 that got you the sale.

It was the content ecosystem you built over time.

And it all started with a blog post that you wrote 2 years ago.

So the next time you wonder about your launch content ROI or how many buyers you can directly tie to your LinkedIn content or blog posts, remember Donna.

Just like your Tinder date, Donna needed a few touchpoints to get her to the finish line.


Sarah Jane

*As always, some of the links in this email may be affiliate links. That just means I get some doll-hairs to introduce you to cool stuff. And everything I recommend is something I've used myself or played with.

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Get the social algorithm juice flowing.

Many business owners do NOT get the point of social media.

A friend of mine is hiring a contractor to help her with social media content. It’s been a while since she posted, and she’s ready to get back into the swing of things with some help.

But she’s worried about ROI.

And I’ve seen this so many times.

A lot of business owners will hire someone to help with social media, expecting to see an increase in sales. (And often expecting to see it ASAP.)

Say it with me now…

Social media is NOT primarily a selling channel.

Can you sell on social? Yes.

I know many people who do it well. But they are NOT just posting content. They’re making strategic connections. They’re engaging with leads. They’re in the DMs doing the hard work of building relationships.

And yes, they’re posting content. But not for the sake of posting content.

They are strategically creating content that demonstrates their expertise and authority, builds trust, and fosters the relationships they’re actively building. (Psssst… these ARE the main goals of social media marketing.)

This is NOT how most small businesses use social media.

They think they can just post content, and the sales will come in. But it’s a lot more work than that.

AND one of the most important things you can do on social is engage with people—in your comments, in their comments, and in the DMs.

This helps get the algorithm juice flowing.

Because every social platform's goal is to keep people on the platform for as long as possible. And when you engage with people, you're helping them do that. So the platform has more reason to show your content in people's feeds.

Not to mention, when you start engaging with folks, they get to know who you are and what you do. You build that know-like-trust factor that's so important in today's loud-ass online marketplace.

How to apply this ASAP:

Put some time on your calendar to engage on social. Like right now... Go into your calendar app and add a recurring event for 15-20 minutes a day to engage on the social platforms you're most active on.

Not only are people more likely to see your posts, but engagement helps you get the conversations and relationships started, which will only benefit your business in the end.

Build a swipe file you'll actually want to use

Have you ever heard of a swipe file?

It's a collection of marketing materials from which you can get ideas and strategies for your marketing.

But here's the problem...

Building a swipe file can be kinda inconvenient. When you see an idea or strategy you might like to use, you have to stop what you're doing and document it somewhere.

For some people, that might be typing ideas into a notes app on their phone... and then promptly forgetting to ever open that note and actually use the ideas.

For others (like me) that might look like taking screenshots of copy or sales materials you like... and then never looking at those screenshots ever again.

The thing is that a swipe file is only valuable if you *actually use it.*

And someone recently recommended a really cool tool that helps you build a swipe file that you will actually use.

SwipeWell is a Google Chrome extension that makes it easy to take screenshots of the page that you can save and organize for later use. You can "swipe" the full web page, just the visible screen, or a section of the web page. It also allows you to copy & paste images if you're just trying to capture an image.

You get 50 swipes for free. So try it out and see if it's worthwhile. (I'm not an affiliate for this tool. I just thought it was really cool.)


Free Google Sheets Content Planner

Look, I'm a spreadsheets gal.

Love Notion. Use Asana every day. And you know I'm ALL about trying out new tools.

But sometimes you just wanna build a custom spreadsheet that does exactly what you need. And that's exactly what I did.

So if you're looking for a simple, distraction-free content planner, this is it.

You don't have to pay for anything, sign up for or into anything, or learn a new tool—it's right inside Google Sheets.

Download the planner here.

I even recorded a video to take you through each tab of the planner so you can get the most out of it.

Watch the video here.

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Rich Bitch Copy Club

Get tips on how to stand TF out in the Internet chaos by bringing your badass personality into your marketing content.

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