
Rich Bitch Copy Club

Missing my dad today




Like father, like daughter

In this issue

Just the Tip: Talk to yourself. (No, really.)

Tool of the Week: Castmagic

Finding your true voice by sharing your story

Yesterday marks 9 years without my dad.

He passed after a really short, unexpected, and painful battle with cancer (more like a beating if I'm being honest).

My dad instilled in me a sense of curiosity, taught me to question everything, and challenged me to not take myself too seriously.

From him, I got my wavy hair, a tendency to talk loudly when I get excited, and a love of music.

And I also learned a lot about how to find my voice from my dad.

He was goofy as hell. But he embraced his weirdness.

Whether that was listening to late-night AM radio programs about aliens…

Creating an atlatl (hunting tool used in Europe during the Paleolithic period) and showing it off/swinging it around at Christmas…

Or throwing Jethro Tull on the record player and passionately playing the air flute on one foot.

But he also embraced what he was good at.

You could always count on him to fix your car, computer, or anything really.

He drew elaborate designs for things he wanted to build. And then built them.

He always had a story to tell, and he could strike up a conversation with just about anyone.

When he passed, my family and friends gathered to remember him. And these were the stories and the traits we celebrated—all the things that made him one-of-a-kind.

I miss him so much today.

Cheers dad! 🥃

Sarah Jane Burt

*As always, some of the links in this email may be affiliate links. That just means I get some doll-hairs for introducing you to cool stuff. And everything I recommend is something I've used myself or played with.

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Just the tip: Talk to yourself. (No, really.)

Okay, so last time, I told you to read your work out loud to yourself as you edit. And today, I'm telling you to talk to yourself. I promise I'm not trying to make you look crazy.

But a lot of people tell me that they struggle with sounding like themselves when they write.

When they sit down to crank out a post or email, they put on their writing hat. This hat makes them sound more formal than they do IRL or more technical than they want to be.

Everything that comes out sounds like someone else wrote it, or worse, BORING.

Other people get so in their heads when they write that nothing comes out. Next thing you know, you've wasted two hours, and you're still staring at a blank Google doc.

Enter voice notes. Your new writing BFF.

If you're someone who struggles with writing in your own voice or just writing in general, voice notes can help you get out of your head and actually get stuff onto the page.

How to apply this ASAP:

Pretend you are explaining a concept to a friend, but record it as a voice note. Or go even one step further (for my method actors) and actually explain something to a friend or family member while you record it.

Then, take that recording and pop it into a transcription tool (like ​this one​). Clean up the transcription, and voilá! You've got content ready to go!

Tool of the Week: Castmagic

I know y'all struggle with consistency and finding time to create content.

Castmagic makes it easier for busy business owners with very little time to create more marketing content.

Here's how it works:

  • Import content from YouTube, Zoom, GoogleDrive, Instagram Reels, etc.
  • Castmagic transcribes the content for you.
  • Then, it takes that transcription and generates content using AI. (You can feed it samples of your writing for tone & style.)
  • You zhuzh it a bit, so it sounds like you. And then publish the content to your platforms.

It helps you get more out of assets you probably have lying around that could make really great content. You can take meetings or coaching calls and pull content. Create blog and social posts from your YouTube videos, podcast episodes, or even just voice notes.

Use it to come up with titles, bios, video scripts, newsletters, social content, and even 2,000+ word blog posts.

It helps you do more with less. And you can even try it for free to see if you like it.

Quick Survey

🎧 for your Listening pleasure

Finding your true voice by sharing your story

Have you ever thought to yourself, who cares about my story?

Well, Reme Mancera made a whole-ass podcast where she has conversations with folks about the benefits of sharing your story but also the challenges in deciding which parts to highlight without oversharing or pretending to be someone else.

Recently, she had me on to talk about my story and how it's impacted my business. Give it a listen!\

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Rich Bitch Copy Club

Get tips on how to stand TF out in the Internet chaos by bringing your badass personality into your marketing content.

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