
Rich Bitch Copy Club

Wanna make more $? Hit publish, and move the f*ck on.



Perfect is the enemy of the good.

In this issue

✍️ Stop polishing and just hit publish.

🔧 Simple AF sales copy template

🥱 Done is better than perfect, even when money is on the line.

“Perfect is the enemy of the good.” - Voltaire

We all know the saying, Reader, and we all agree with it…

Until it’s time to hit “publish” on marketing content that doesn’t feel perfect.

**Cue the spiral**

Suddenly, every tiny imperfection feels like a neon sign screaming, “I’m an idiot,” or “You can’t trust me,” or even “Why TF would you buy something from me when I forgot a comma?!”

And that little voice in your head? It loves to tell you, “Just a few more tweaks… then it’ll be perfect.”

Spoiler alert: It never will be.

Because perfect doesn’t exist. There will always be ways to improve. So we need to be okay with “good enough.”

Don’t get me wrong—high-quality content matters. But when you’re cranking out dozens of posts a month, many of which your audience will never see, good enough is more than good enough.

Plus, marketing is all about testing. The post you labored over for three hours might flop, while the one you wrote in a 15-minute fury? That one might hit.

And when it comes to sales copy, perfectionism is literally costing you money right now.

Every day that you hold off on selling your stuff because you’re stuck searching for the perfect words, you’re letting potential sales slip through your fingers.

The longer you wait, the more cash you’re leaving on the table—while your “almost-ready” copy just sits there, not making a dime.


Stop polishing and just hit publish.

Here’s the deal—polishing your sales copy to perfection is just another way to procrastinate. It feels productive, but it’s not actually making you any money.

Just the tip

Instead, put some restrictions on yourself. Set a timer and limit the number of edits you make. No endless re-reading, no obsessing over commas. Just hit publish.

Limiting your time forces you to focus on what matters—making the value of your thing clear and telling them how to buy it. Save the cute and clever for when you have more time to write.

Because I guarantee that sales copy that’s out in the world will always make you more money than sales copy that no one ever sees.

Now, it's your turn

Use the template below to write and publish a sales post... TODAY. (Then hit reply and link me to the post so I can give you a shoutout in the next issue.)

🔧 Try this rich bitch resource

Simple AF Sales Copy Template.

Click the button below to access a Google doc template for a simple AF sales post.

This template is straight out of my Super Sexy Sales System (which people pay money for). While it is a social media template, you can use it to write an email, video script, or whatever you want.

To access the template directly, for FREE: Click that big red button, and it will force you to make a copy of the Google doc where you can access the template and type your copy directly on the doc. No extra sign-up is required.


Done is better than perfect, even when money is on the line.

Perfectionism is a luxury your sales copy can’t afford. The longer you wait for everything to be flawless, the longer you wait to make money.

This week, your challenge is simple: Set a timer, use my template to write the damn thing, look it over once, and hit publish.

Don’t overthink it. Don’t over-polish it. Just get it out there and let it do its thing.

Because here’s the truth—“Good enough” is what gets results. Keep moving, keep selling, and remember—imperfect action beats perfect inaction every single time.

And if you used the template above to write your own piece of sales copy, hit reply and link me to it. I’d love to give you a shoutout next week.

👀 Catch me outside

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Rich Bitch Copy Club

Get tips on how to stand TF out in the Internet chaos by bringing your badass personality into your marketing content.

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