
Rich Bitch Copy Club

What I've learned from over a decade of online dating 😯

I've been on the online dating scene since 2012. And I've got both love stories and horror stories.

I've had first kisses that I'll remember forever. And ghosting encounters that are scarier than any episode of Black Mirror.

But just like online business, there are some things you just don't do when you're dating online, especially in the early stages.

Like showing up to a first date, and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is... "I'm on hormone supplements that are illegal in the U.S. Why? Because I want abs, and everything starts to go downhill when you turn 30."

(Yes, that happened. Thanks

Or take a big swig of your date's drink without asking because, hey, she's drinking too slow for your liking.

(Same guy. AND it was weirdly enough on Valentine's day...)

I know some of y'all might be out of the dating scene, so I'm bringing you this PSA just in time for Valentine's Day. I want to make sure you're not even remotely mistaken for "that guy." (I use this term generally because NONE of y'all are gonna be mistaken for the steroids guy.)

Going right for the sale is like showing up to your first Tinder date, getting down on one knee after a few Mai Tais, and saying, “How’d you like to change your last name?”

Are those the exact words my dad used to propose to my mom in a bar after a couple of months of dating? Yes.

Would they be celebrating their 42nd anniversary yesterday had he not passed? Again, yes.

But you’re not my dad. And your ideal client is probably not my mom. (She likes guys with ponytails. And she wouldn’t say yes again that quickly anyway. You only get that lucky once. 🤷🏻‍♀️)

Y'all know you gotta warm up your audience before you go for the sale. Yet here you are, only talking to them when you're launching.

They need a little foreplay. A little hand-holding, a little smooching, a few social posts, an email or two… and they may just be ready to consent with an enthusiastic “hell yes” when the time comes.

Don't be "that guy," Reader. Talk to your people and show them what there is to love about you before you ask them to commit.

Photo of my parents being cute AF. Their wedding anniversary is today.

Here are 2 ways you can learn from me in February:

  • Join the Rich Bitch Copy Club Membership: CTAs got you in a chokehold? Join the club. Literally. Get feedback on your copy 2x month, weekly time/space to write, and a quarterly content planning session. Become a founding member for $100.
  • Got a copywriting project you've been putting off? I'm currently taking on new client projects from now through the end of Q2. Whether it's a sales page, email welcome sequence, or a whole launch funnel—I'm ready to support you. Book a call to see if it's a good fit.


Sarah Jane Burt
The Bad Boy of Copywriting

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Rich Bitch Copy Club

Get tips on how to stand TF out in the Internet chaos by bringing your badass personality into your marketing content.

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